​ Swimline Aquatics​

Put your pool and landscape on cruise control with automated control systems. System controllers and remote controls have been designed to be push-button simple, with easy to read digital displays and step by step menu driven instructions. Speak to one of our service specialists to help you choose the right automation system for you.

This is what you can control with Automation,
- Pumps​
- Filters
- Heaters
- Automatic Pool Cleaners
- Chlorinators
- Chemistry Automation
- Jets (Spa)
- Blowers (Spa)
- Actuated Valves
- Solar Heaters
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- LED & Incandescent Pool & Spa Lighting​
- Landscape Lighting​
- Outdoor House Lighting
- Music
- Water Features
- Fire Pits
- Misters
- Foggers
- Sprinklers
- Automatic Pool Covers
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Why Automation;
*The convenience of operating your pool from your house
*The peace of mind, knowing your pool chemicals are monitored electronically 24/7
*The power to shut off your system in a split second, as a security measure
*Easy, family friendly program navigation
*Safe and Secure lock access codes